Sunday, February 26, 2012


Ostara, or the Spring Equinox, is an enchanted borderland time outside of time where a magickal seam joins dark and light. From this moment on, the Sun God begins his seminal journey across the sky. His light and warmth overtake the darkness of Winter until his power peaks at Summer Solstice in June.

Ostara is a time of new fire. The light and dark are in perfect balance, but the light is growing and the Sun is about to burst forth with new energy. It is a season of fertility and growth.
Eostre or Ostara is the Anglo-Saxon goddess of spring to whom offerings of cakes and colored eggs were made at the Vernal Equinox. Rabbits were sacred to her, especially white rabbits, and she was believed to take the form of a rabbit.
ALTAR:  For the Ostara altar:
-- Candles should be light green.
-- Incense may be jasmine.
-- Decorate the circle with spring wildflowers.
-- Place an earthenware or wooden bowl containing soil or a large seed of some kind on the altar.
I don't have mine set up yet, but here are a few others:
HERBS to use in your magic at Ostara: lily of the valley, tansy, lavender, marjoram, thyme, tarragon, lovage, lilac, violets, lemon balm, dogwood, honeysuckle, oakmoss, orrisroot, sunflower seeds, rose hips, oak, elder, willow, crocus, daffodil, jonquil, tulip, broom (Scotch or Iris), meadowsweet, acorn, trefoil (purple clover), vervain.
STONES:  Clear quartz crystal, rose quartz, agate, lapis lazuli, amazonite, garnet.
*Perform a seed blessing and indoor planting ritual.
*Have a traditional breakfast of buns, ham, and eggs.
*Make natural egg dyes from herbs.
*Color hard boiled eggs and add symbols for the Fertility God, the Goddess, the Sun God, unity, fire, water, agriculture, prosperity and growth, strength and wisdom, spring, love and affection, and protection.
Consecrate the eggs:
In the name of the Goddess of Spring, (name); and the ever-returning God of the Sun, (name); By the powers of the four elements -- earth, air, fire, and water; I do consecrate these eggs of Ostara..
Point the athame at the eggs, make the sign of the pentagram, and see the energy flow through the blade into the eggs, and say:
New life lies within as new life shall enter the soil. Let those who seek this life find it and consume it, for all life feeds on life.
The eggs may be hidden and an Ostara Egg Hunt commences.
Make pysanky and krashanky, magickal amulets of fertility, protection, and prosperity.
Make hot cross buns to honor the union of the earth and the sun for Spring. Slash the "X" with the bolline and bless the cakes.
Toss crushed eggshells into the garden and say:
For fairy, for flowers, for herbs in the bowers, The shells pass fertility with springtime flowers.
Wear green clothing.

Eat an egg you have empowered with a quality you desire.
On Ostara Eve, light a purple or violet candle and burn patchouli incense. Carry them both through the house, and say:
Farewell to wintry spirits and friends; On morrow we greet the spirits of spring. Our blessings to thee as your way we wend; And merry we'll meet next winter again. Blow out the candle and say: Merry meet, merry part, and merry meet again.
At this time, witches cast spells for careers, relationships, and love. It's a time for planting new ideas. Seek harmony and balance in the incredible energy of the season, and project good health, good fortune, and confidence in achieving goals.
FOOD: Eggs! Cream and milk, bake bread with a decorated egg inside, spring salad, hot cross buns.

My Alter is set...
Broken Wing blessed the Alter for over 2 wks.
She's now a butterfly angel.
Ostara is a time of balance. It is a time of equal parts light and dark. At Mabon, we have this same balance, but the light is leaving us. Today, six months later, it is returning. Spring has arrived, and with it comes hope and warmth. Deep within the cold earth, seeds are beginning to sprout. In the damp fields, the livestock are preparing to give birth. In the forest, under a canopy of newly sprouted leaves, the animals of the wild ready their dens for the arrival of their young. Spring is here, so why not celebrate with a simple ritual honoring the themes of the season?
So you've decided you're ready to do a magical working... but you're not sure which herbs are the best ones to use. Use this list as a reference point to determine which herbs, plants and flowers are the best choices for your purposes.
Spring equinox is a time for fertility and sowing seeds, and so nature goes a little crazy. The rabbit -- for good reason -- is often associated with fertility magic and sexual energy. So how did we get the notion that a rabbit comes around and lays colored eggs in the spring? Learn about rabbit symbolism, the Easter bunny, and mad March hares!
This is the time of year when many readers are planning their plantings. Have you ever thought about planting flowers that bloom just at night? Yeah, sounds a bit odd, but it's glorious to look at (and smell) when it's done right. Try cultivating a Magical Moon Garden as a way of getting in touch with lunar energies. This not only looks beautiful, it provides a nice backdrop for evening rituals during the summer.
Ostara is a time of balance. It is a time of equal parts light and dark. At Mabon, we have this same balance, but the light is leaving us. Today, six months later, it is returning. Spring has arrived, and with it comes hope and warmth. Deep within the cold earth, seeds are beginning to sprout. In the damp fields, the livestock are preparing to give birth. In the forest, under a canopy of newly sprouted leaves, the animals of the wild ready their dens for the arrival of their young. Spring is here, so why not celebrate with a simple ritual honoring the themes of the season?
Spring is a time of year when many of us start feeling those creative juices begin to flow again - after all, we've been cooped up inside for months, and that can cramp our creative style. Now that the days are getting a little longer and brighter, it's a good time to start some fun spring craft projects. Since Ostara is just a couple of days away, why not whip together a couple of new goodies to celebrate the themes of the season?
Celebrate spring by enjoying the outdoors. Sure, it's still a little chilly out for most of us -- and a lot of folks still have snow piles in the yard -- but the sun is coming back, and the days are getting brighter and warmer. Mark the turning of the Wheel of the Year by working on projects that bring you back in touch with the outdoors. If you have kids (or even if you don't), build a Spring Weather Station to help mark the changes in the season. If you're ready to start your garden for the year, kick things off by putting your seeds in a Miniature Greenhouse
)O( Blessings )O(


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